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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

전체 행사

SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

Anthropological Study of Life after Death(Chinese U.of HK Gordon Mathews)


안녕하십니까? 저희 인류학과 BK교육연구단은 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 인류학과의 Gordon Mathews 교수님을 모시고 "The Anthropological Study of Life after Death and What It Can Tell Us about the United States, Japan, and China Today" 제하의 강연을 개최합니다. 본 강연은 미국, 일본, 중국인들의 사후 세계에 관한 관념을 비교문화적으로 분석한 연구를 통하여 죽음, 문화, 현대사회의 도덕적 세계를 탐구하는 특별한 기회가 될 것입니다. 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.

The Anthropological Study of Life after Death
and What It Can Tell us about the United States, Japan, and China Today

일시: 2023. 10. 30. 월 16:00-17:30
장소: 아시아연구소 101동 406호
문의: anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr

Abstract: This talk, based on my recent book, Senses of Life After Death Today in the United States, Japan, and China, first examines how the anthropological study of life after death can be done, and why it is important. It then discusses how in the contemporary developed world, senses of life after death have changed from being collective and public to becoming individualized and private. I discuss the United States, Japan, and China, exploring how views of interviewees in the three societies about life after death provide contrasting windows into how these three societies are morally constructed in this life before death. And I examine the larger existential implications of the fact that many human beings are losing their senses of having any significance beyond their worldly lifespan.