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[동아문화연구소]제18회 동아시아학 강연: "Vietnamization: New Trends in Vietnam War Studies"


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동아문화연구소 제18회 동아시아학 강연 - "Vietnamization: New Trends in Vietnam War Studies"

This talk analyses new trends in Vietnam War Studies as being shaped by new trends in the discipline such as the boom in "New Cold War history" and memory studies, in Vietnam studies itself and by shifts in the international context and in Vietnam itself. The second part will present research findings of the speaker as an example of these trends.

일정 | 2025. 4. 3.(목) 16시 - 18시
행사장 | 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 인문대학 7동 308호
강연 | 마르틴 그로스하임 Martin Grossheim (서울대학교 역사학부 교수)
사회 | 여운경 (서울대학교 아시아언어문명학부 교수)