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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

전체 행사

SNU 캘린더 /

전체 행사

[정부경쟁력센터]인도네시아 Muluk 교수 초청 세미나: 7/23(화) 14시


일시/Date: 2024년 7월 23일(화) 오후 2시 / Tuesday, July 23th, 2024 at 2p.m.
장소/Place: 서울대학교 행정대학원 57동(구관) 204호 / Room 204, GSPA Building #57
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Muluk 교수님은 일반 행정, 교육 행정, 지방 자치, 분권화 등의 분야에서 활발히 연구를 수행해 오셨습니다. 이번 강의에서는 인도네시아의 실적주의 제도를 주제로 진행 중인 연구를 발표할 예정입니다.

Guest Speaker
Dr. Mujibur Rahman Khairul Muluk is an Associate Professor at the University of Brawijaya in Indonesia. His primary areas of expertise encompass public administration, educational administration, and local governance. Dr. Muluk has authored several books and published numerous academic papers in these fields. His recent research includes studies on the management of tourism villages in Yogyakarta City and the evaluation of special autonomy policies aimed at improving community welfare in Papua province, Indonesia. These works underscore his ongoing contributions to regional development and public policy in Indonesia. With a career spanning over a decade, Dr. Muluk has established himself as a prominent voice in Indonesian public administration and governance studies.
Given his significant contributions to the field of public administration, Dr. Muluk will deliver a lecture on the merit system in Indonesia. By introducing case studies from the Indonesian public sector, this lecture aims to provide a broader perspective on public organization management.

정부경쟁력 연구센터-서울대학교 행정대학원 BK21 FOUR 사업단 드림