일시: 2024년 6월 3일 월요일 16시-17시 30분
장소: 온라인(https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/
발표 제목: Core social predispositions in human cognitive development
초록: Infants come into the world equipped with early preferences and expectations about the world around them, including the ability to detect animate agents, predict their behaviors, and decide who they prefer. Such core cognitive dispositions in infancy form the basis of children's (and adults'!) ability to understand other people's actions, infer their intentions, and make moral judgments. In this talk I will provide some examples of such social cognitive abilities and its underlying neural mechanisms that have been identified thus far in the field of human neuroscience.
페이지 안내
서울대 소식 SNU 캘린더
전체 행사
SNU 캘린더
전체 행사
[AI연구원]인공지능 ELSI 공개세미나 (6/3)