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[학술](6/5) “New Frontiers in Experimental Political Science” 국제학술회의


정치학실험연구그룹은 서울대 사회과학연구원과 정치외교학부 10-10 사업단과 공동으로 2023 6 5 (해외저명학자들을 모시고 "New Frontiers in Experimental Political Science"를 주제로 국제학술회의를 개최합니다세부 프로그램은 첨부의 포스터를 참조하여주시기 바랍니다.

 주제: New Frontiers in Experimental Political Science

 일시: 2023 6 5 (오전10~오후6
 장소아시아연구소 영원홀(101-210)

학내 구성원 여러분의 많은 관심을 부탁드립니다.

We invite you to the Miniconference “New Frontiers in Experimental Political Science” which will be held on June 5th (Monday), 10AM - 6 PM at Youngwon Hall (SNU Asia Center). This event is jointly hosted by the Experimental Political Science Research Group, the Institute of Social Sciences, and the Department of Political Science and International Relations 10-10 Initiative. Please refer to the attached for more details on our program.

문의(Q&A): terencioroh13@snu.ac.kr