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서울대 소식 / SNU 캘린더

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[학술] 행정대학원 GSPIA-GSPA Seminar 개최 안내 - Focusing on the role of individual citizens in coproducing the Public Administration


안녕하세요, 서울대학교 행정대학원 10-10 프로젝트에서 주관하는 피츠버그 대학 초청세미나에 대해 알려드립니다.
서울대학교 행정대학원 10-10 프로젝트 4월 10일(월) 오후 3시 30분~5시 30분동안
University of Pittburgh의 Carissa Schively Slotterback, Daniel B. Jones, Huafang Li 교수님들을 모시고 "Focusing on the role of individual citizens in coproducing the Public Administration" 라는 주제로 행정대학원 57동 203호에서 세미나를 개최합니다.
학내 구성원 여러분께서 자리를 함께 하셔서 좋은 말씀 나누어주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.
세미나 일정 및 정보는 다음과 같습니다.

*** Seminar Information ***
Theme: Focusing on the role of individual citizens in coproducing the Public Administration

Date: Monday, April 10 (15:30-17:30)

Seminar 1
Title: Communication for coproduction: a systematic review and research agenda
Huafang Li ( Assitant Professor, Graduate school of Public & International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh)

Seminar 2
Title: Reducing Racial Inequality in Access to the Ballot Reduces Racial Inequality in Children’s Later-Life Outcomes
- Daniel B. Jones (Associate Professor, Graduate school of Public & International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh)

Seminar 3
Title: Building immigrant engagement practice in urban planning: The case of Somali refugees in the Twin Cities
- Carissa Schively Slotterback (Dean & Professor, Graduate school of Public & International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh)

Venue: 203, Building #57, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University.

Online Participation: snu.webex.com/meet/gspaknow

문의: 10-10 조교 박종윤 fantasist@snu.ac.kr