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[인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단] 'Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea' 해외전문가초청강연 안내


서울대 인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단에서는 UN International Organisation for Migration에서 Research Officer로 일하고 있는 마커스 벨 박사님을 모시고 < Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea >라는 제목의 강연을 주최합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 성원과 참석 부탁드립니다.


  • 주제: Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea
  • 연사: 마커스 벨 박사 (UN International Organisation for Migration)
  • 일시: 2021년 5월 7일 (금) 13:00-14:20
  • 장소: Zoom 온라인 회의 (링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/3395374845 / Zoom 회의실 ID: 339 537 4845)
  • 주최: 서울대 인류학교 4단계 BK21교육연구단 / 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 / 서울대학교 인류학과
  • 문의: anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr 
  • 강의 개요:

Starting 60 years ago almost 100,000 people boarded ships and left Japan for North Korea. Why did they go? What was life like once they got there? And what do the experiences of the people who have since escaped tell us about survival, innovation and resistance for migrant families who became outsiders wherever they go? In this original presentation Dr. Markus Bell draws on ethnographic and archival research to explore the hidden histories of Korean and Japanese families who were driven from their homes and drawn to the promises of Kim Il-sung's workers' paradise.

  •  관련 링크:



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