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[인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단] 해외전문가초청강연 안내


서울대학교 인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단에서 독일 파사우대학교(University of Passau)의 Friederike Trotier 교수님을 모시고 <Nation, City, Arena: Sports Events, Nation-Building and City Politics in Indonesia>라는 제목의 강연을 진행합니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 성원과 참석 부탁드립니다.


  • 제목: Nation, City, Arena: Sports Events, Nation-Building and City Politics in Indonesia
  • 발표자: Friederike Trotier(독일 파사우대학교 교수)
  • 일시: 2021년 3월 24일 (수) 17:30-19:00
  • 장소: Zoom 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/3395374845 (회의 ID: 339 537 4845)
  • 주최: 서울대 인류학과 4단계 BK21교육연구단 / 서울대학교 아시아언어문명학부 / 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 / 서울대학교 인류학과
  • 문의: anthrobk21plus@snu.ac.kr
  • 강의 개요:

2018년 제18회 아시안 게임이 인도네시아 역사상 처음으로 자카르타와 팔렘방에서 개최되었습니다. 이 공동개최는 자카르타 중심의 단일 민족 체제가 지방자치의 부상과 새로운 중심부-주변부 관계로 대체되고 있음을 상징합니다. 다소 부정적인 이미지를 가진 과거의 산업 도시가 인도네시아의 스포츠 도시로 탈바꿈하는 것을 통해 본 강연은 민족 정치와 지방 정치와 관련된 스포츠 이벤트의 역할을 검토하고 포스트 수하르토 시대의 탈중심화에 대해 논의하고자 합니다. 

In 1962, Indonesia celebrated its national rebirth, modernity and international arrival by hosting the 4th Asian Games in Jakarta. Since then, Indonesia has hosted several other major multi-sport events. But the return to Indonesia in 2018 of the 18th Asian Games was significant: for the first time in the history of the Games, they were co-hosted: Palembang, capital of South Sumatra, staged the event together with Jakarta. These arrangements ? and their success ? reflected a new reality in Indonesia; the Jakarta-centric, one-nation autocracy of the New Order regime has been replaced by regional autonomy, local agency, and evolving center-periphery relationships. With heightened inter-city rivalry, greater attention is paid to marketing cities and regions than ever before. Palembang exemplifies this civic transformation. A once industrial city with a negative image has become an attractive regular fixture in the international sporting calendar. In part this has been achieved by urban renewal and targeted construction projects but equally important has been a strategy adopted by local leaders and officials to promote Palembang as Indonesia’s sports city and make it not just a prime sporting venue but also a sports tourism destination. This presentation scrutinizes the role of sports events in relation to national and local politics and links them to the increase in city marketing, local agency and inter-city competition in post-Suharto Indonesia. A key argument is that sports events reflect the country’s development in the past two decades from being nation-centric ? where Jakarta had a dominant place ? to being far more decentralized; here, in the new structure of regional autonomy, cities have a heightened role as arenas of representation and local agency.


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