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이은주 교수

이은주 교수


경력 프로필

경력 내역을 연도별 제공하는 표

연도 내용
2008-현재 언론정보학과 부교수, 교수
2023-24 International Communication Association 회장
2022-현재 인공지능 신뢰성 CRC 센터장
2022-23 사회과학대학 교무부학장
2001-07 University of California-Davis 조교수, 부교수
2000 미국 Stanford University 커뮤니케이션학 박사

주요 연구분야

디지털 커뮤니케이션, 미디어 심리학

대표 연구성과

〈대표 논문〉
  1. “Authenticity model of computer-mediated communication: Conceptual explorations and testable propositions,” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 25, 60-73, 2020.
  2. “When news meets the audience: How audience feedback affects news production and consumption,” Human Communication Research, 43, 436-449, 2017.
  3. “What do others’ reactions to news on Internet portal sites tell us? Effects of presentation format and readers’ need for cognition on reality perception,” Communication Research, 37, 825-846, 2010.
  4. “Deindividuation effects on group polarization in computer-mediated communication: The role of group identification, public self-awareness and perceived argument quality,” Journal of Communication, 57, 385-403, 2007.

〈대표 학술활동〉
  1. Human Communication Research, 편집위원장
  2. Media Psychology, 공동편집위원장

대표 수상사항

  1. International Communication Association Fellow, 2019
  2. 한국갤럽 학술논문상 우수상, 2022
  3. 한국언론학회 정기학술대회 우수논문상, 2011, 2017, 2018
  4. International Communication Association, Top Paper Award, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
  5. National Communication Association, Top Paper Award, 2006, 2007, 2008

담당부서/연구지원과 (02) 880-5659